Monday, November 12, 2012

Smita Mittal
EDSS 511
Linear Equations Unit
Unit Context
Subject Content Area: Algebra 1
Course: Mathematics
Grade Level: 8th grade
Length of Unit: The unit will last for 15 days for 750 minutes for 15 periods (50min. each). This unit will take place in late September-October.
Facts about Learners
Whole Class Information
Number of Students in the Class: 28 students in the class.
Demographic Information: 15 students are male and 13 students are female. The ethnic background of my students consists of: 21 Caucasian, 5 Hispanic, 1 Filipino, and 1 African-American student. 2 of my students receive free or reduced lunch. 7 of my students are bilingual. 2 of my students are early advanced and 1 intermediate ELD with Spanish as their primary first language. 6 of my students have an IEP and perform below grade level in reading and math.
Developmental Needs
Readiness: More than half of the students read at or above grade level. Most students are writing at either a 8th or 9th grade level.
Interest: This is a social group of students who are interested in sports, drama and media arts and enjoy listening to music. 4 students enjoy surfing, 7 play soccer and 2 learn dance. Some students have their own laptops.
Learning Profiles: Most of the students are either kinesthetic or visual learners, with some auditory learners as well. The students like to work in pairs or small groups. The students can follow written instructions, sometimes repeated orally. All of them enjoy hands on activities and projects.
Individual Student Information
1. Daisy: She is 13 year old. She is from a low income Hispanic family and has 2 younger siblings. Her parents provide lot of support by attending all events at school, like seminar for ELLs, conferences and asking for help from teachers and staff. Daisy can speak fluently and read in Spanish. She is social and works well in small groups but is shy in unfamiliar settings. The CELDT scores indicate that she is at the Intermediate level, and is considered an English learner.
Developmental Needs
Readiness: Daisy can read and write and the Intermediate level. She needs to expand her vocabulary and improve her reading and writing skills.
Interest: Family and friends are very important to Daisy. She enjoys visiting her relatives and grandparents in Mexico and talks fondly about the special family dinners and occasions like anniversaries. She loves to play soccer for fun with her friends. At school, her favorite subject is art.
Learning Profile: Daisy likes to work in small groups. She is a visual and kinesthetic learner. She learns best by seeing information on the board or doing things.
Differentiation Strategies
Teacher pairs up students to review and discuss the vocabulary terms to support ELL.
Students identify and explain components on the board in pairs.

Product/Learning Profile:
Students write 1-2 sentence response on Graphic Organizer and identify components on graph sheet.

Content/Readiness: Students look at the visual and listen to the teacher to understand the content.

The strategies will be assessed for effectiveness through multiple formative assessments such as show with a finger for understanding, discussion, show understanding on the board, graphic organizer and graph sheet.

2. Ricky: He is a 14-year old male in 8th grade. He came from Mexico with his family when he was 4 years old. He is fluent in speaking and reading in Spanish but can’t write in it. He plays basketball and wants to go to college. The CELDT scores indicate that he is at the early advanced level, and is considered an English learner.
Developmental Needs
Readiness: Ricky can read and write at the early advanced level. She needs to expand her vocabulary and sentence structure to improve his reading and writing skills.
Interest: Family and friends are very important to Ricky. He loves to play basketball and hangout with friends. At school, his favorite subject is math.
Learning Profile: Ricky likes to work in groups. He is a kinesthetic learner and learns best by writing or doing things.
Differentiation Strategies
Teacher pairs up students to review and discuss terms to support ELL.
Students identify and explain components on the board in pairs.

Product/Learning Profile:
Students write 1-2 sentence response on Graphic Organizer and identify components on graph sheet.

Content/Readiness: Students look at the visual and listen to the teacher to understand the content.

The strategies will be assessed for effectiveness through multiple formative assessments such as show with a finger for understanding, discussion, show understanding on the board, graphic organizer and graph sheet.

3. Alex: He is a 14-year old male in 8th grade. Alex is considered to have a learning disability. He had trouble developing literacy early on, and presently reads at a 7th grade level. He struggles to decode words and has received special education support since the 2nd grade. Alex takes daily medication for asthma and needs to use an inhaler on occasion. He tends to keep to himself, and does not participate in class discussions.
Developmental Needs
Readiness: Alex can read at the 5th grade level. He needs help with decoding words and reading comprehension. He needs to build up his communication skills in order to contribute to class discussions.
Interest: Alex likes to be alone, and is lacking confidence to participate in group-conversations. He does not communicate his interests, and keeps to himself.
Learning Profile: Alex is very introverted and likes to be alone. He does not like to talk in front of the class, but will sometimes contribute to small groups. He prefers to stay quiet in class and is not social with his peers.
Differentiation Strategies
Teacher pairs up students to review and discuss terms to support Special Ed.
Students identify and explain components on the board in pairs. Teacher lets Alex point to/show the component while his partner explains. 

Product/Learning Profile:
Students write 1-2 sentence response on Graphic Organizer and identify components on graph sheet.

Content/Readiness: Students look at the visual and listen to the teacher to understand the content.

The strategies will be assessed for effectiveness through multiple formative assessments such as show with a finger for understanding, discussion, show understanding on the board, graphic organizer and graph sheet.

4. Connor: He is 13-year old male in 8th grade. Connor has an IEP, with the qualifying condition- Autism. He advocates for himself and seeks help whenever needed. He is well liked by peers and works well in groups. He can read at grade level, respond and analyze text. He struggles with organization and keeping track of assignments and due dates. He has an iPhone and his academic coach helps him write all the home works/assignments/due dates in it at the end of every day. He struggles with solving multi step equations and writing detailed responses/reports. 
Developmental Needs
Readiness: Connor reads and responds at grade level and needs to add details in his writing. He needs to have access to the class notes and calendar that can be used as a backup for missed information. He also needs extended time on tests and reduced quantity of work whenever possible without impacting the content.
Interest: Connor likes music. He listens to music whenever he needs to focus or work individually. His parents are professionals and very supportive of his activities in and out of school.
Learning Profile: Connor likes to work in small or big groups. Connor is an audio learner and likes to dictate long assignments. He learns best by repeatedly listening to information or doing things.
Differentiation Strategies
Teacher pairs up students to review and discuss terms to support his staying on task.
Students identify and explain components on the board in pairs.

Product/Learning Profile:
Students write 1-2 sentence response on Graphic Organizer and identify components on graph sheet.

Content/Readiness: Students look at the visual and listen to the teacher to understand the content.

The strategies will be assessed for effectiveness through multiple formative assessments such as show with a finger for understanding, discussion, show understanding on the board, graphic organizer and graph sheet.

5. Nathan: He is 13-year old male in 8th grade. Nathan has an IEP, with Specific Learning Disability. He has great ideas to contribute to class conversation and projects and is well liked by his classmates. He has amazing retention of information (he hears or sees something and remembers it forever). He struggles with reading and writing (poor motor skills).
Developmental Needs
Readiness: Nate has great project ideas but struggles with reading and writing. He is an audio learner and benefits a lot from audio books. He can remember anything he hears one time. He is extremely smart and can read at grade level if given appropriate resources. He needs extended time to write on tests/quizzes, access to quiet time, audio books and word processor.
Interest: Nathan likes science and loves to develop and work on projects.
Learning Profile: Nathan likes to work in small or big groups. He is an audio and visual learner and remembers anything he has heard or seen once. He benefits a lot from audio books and oral assessments.
Differentiation Strategies
Teacher pairs up students to review and discuss terms to support his audio learning needs.
Students identify and explain components on the board in pairs.

Product/Learning Profile:
Students write short 1-2 sentence response on Graphic Organizer and identify components on graph sheet.

Content/Readiness: Students look at the visual and listen to the teacher to understand the content.

The strategies will be assessed for effectiveness through multiple formative assessments such as show with a finger for understanding, discussion, show understanding on the board, graphic organizer and graph sheet.

Unit Rationale
The unit of Linear Equations and graphical representation is important because it gives students a strong background in mathematical reasoning and problem solving that will be important in their future. It introduces a student to many areas of mathematics and logical thought. It allows students to better understand the language and abstract symbols of graphical representations and how to use that language in real-life applications.
Enduring Understanding: Most 'real world' functions are approximations, as the world usually contains too many variables to be modeled exactly by mathematical functions. Linear equations are helpful in first approximations and promoting logical thought process. Linear functions are easy to solve, easy to plot, and easy to understand. The two-variable linear-function is the most significant concept for the students to understand before they can move on to model and solve more complex, real-life problems.

Essential Questions:
1. Why is it important to learn mathematical models of two-variable linear functions? (Explanation)
 2. How can you use this knowledge to explain the relationship between the variables? (Application)
3. What can you learn about the relationships between different quantities in the world around you from linear functions? (Perspective)
CA Content Standards:
·       4.0 Students simplify expressions before solving linear equations and inequalities in one variable, such as 3(2x-5) + 4(x-2) = 12.
·       4.0 Students simplify expressions before solving linear equations and inequalities in one variable, such as 3(2x-5) + 4(x-2) = 12.
·       5.0 Students graph a linear equation and compute the x- and y-intercepts (e.g., graph 2x + 6y = 4).
·       6.0 Students verify that a point lies on a line, given an equation of the line. Students are able to derive linear equations by using the point-slope formula.
·       7.0 Students understand the concepts of parallel lines and perpendicular lines and how those slopes are related. Students are able to find the equation of a line perpendicular to a given line that passes through a given point.
CA ELD Standards:
·       Listening/Speaking: Cluster 5, EA – Participate in and initiate more extended conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.
·       Listening/Speaking: Cluster 5, A – Negotiate and initiate social conversations by questioning, restating, soliciting information, and paraphrasing the communication of others.
·       Writing: Cluster 1, EA – Use appropriate language variations and genres in writing for language arts and other content areas.
·       Writing: Cluster 1, A – Produce writing by using various elements of disclosure (e.g., Purpose, speaker, audience, form).

Unit Objectives (according to the day)

1.     After reviewing the basic components of graphs on the white board, the students will draw and label all the graph components using the key terms like quadrants, x-axis, y-axis, perpendicular, number line, origin and coordinates on the graphic organizer.
2.     After reviewing the given graph, students will identify the variables represented on the graph, and write a short paragraph to describe the graph and the relationship between variables, using the key terms like quadrants, x-axis, y-axis, coordinates, variables, direct and indirect relationship on the graphic organizer.
3.     After reviewing coordinate graphing system and guided practice, students graph linear equations and compute the x- and y-intercepts, using appropriate components of graphing system and mathematical notations.
4.     After guided practice, students are able to verify that a point lies on a line, given an equation of the line and derive linear equations, using the point-slope formula.
5.     After reviewing and understanding the concepts of parallel lines and perpendicular lines and how those slopes are related, students are able to find the equation of a line perpendicular to a given line that passes through a given point, using the point-slope formula.
Student Activities (according to the day)
1.     Work with a partner to answer questions on the board and complete the graphic organizer.
2.     Work with a partner to interpret a given graph, complete the graphic organizer with a short paragraph to describe it.
3.     Work in groups to practice graphing linear equations and compute the x- and y-intercepts and sketch the region defined by linear inequality on graph paper.
4.     Work in groups to practice verifying that given points lie on a line, given the equations of the lines and derive linear equations on graphic organizer.
5.     Work with a partner to identify parallel and perpendicular lines. Work independently on graphic organizer.

Instruction Strategies (according to the day)
1.     Students think-pair-share to review what they have already learned/know. Project a graph with various components and ask the students to come in pairs. Have one student identify a component and the other explains what it is. They work with partners to complete the graphic organizer.
2.     Students work with a partner to interpret a given graph, complete the graphic organizer. Have the students discuss their responses in small groups and then and write a short paragraph. The key words to be used in the write up are projected on the board along with their definitions to support the ELLs and Special Ed students. After writing, the students pair up with a partner to review each other’s written response and then edit their own write-ups before turning it in.
3.     Demonstrate how to compute the x- and y-intercepts and sketch the region defined by linear equations on graph using 2 different examples. Students work in small groups of 3-4 to practice graphing linear equations on graph sheets.
4.     Demonstrate how to verify that given points lie on a line, given the equations of the lines and derive linear equations when two points are known. Students work in groups on the problems given on graphic organizer.
5.     Demonstrate how to identify parallel and perpendicular lines from given equations using few different examples. Students work independently on their graphic organizers.

Assessments (according to the day)
1.     Diagnostic: Informal check with show of 1 finger for understanding and 0 for review. Call students in pairs to identify and explain components on the board. Formative: Evaluation of graphic organizer.
2.     Formative: Informal monitoring the discussions with partners and evaluation of graphic organizer.
3.     Formative: Informal monitoring practice on graph paper and evaluation of homework.
4.     Formative: Evaluation of graphic organizer.
5.     Summative: Evaluation of graphic organizer.

Unit Calendar: (Algebra 1: Linear equations) 

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Content Standards
4.0 Students understand that the slope (m) of a line is a constant rate of change, so that if the input or x-coordinate changes by an amount A, the output or y-coordinate changes by the amount m·A

4.0 Students understand that the slope (m) of a line is a constant rate of change, so that if the input or x-coordinate changes by an amount A, the output or y-coordinate changes by the amount m·A
5.0 Students graph a linear equation and compute the x- and y-intercepts (e.g., graph 2x + 6y = 4).

6.0 Students verify that a point lies on a line, given an equation of the line. Students are able to derive linear equations by using the point-slope formula.

7.0 Students understand the concepts of parallel lines and perpendicular lines and how those slopes are related. Students are able to find the equation of a line perpendicular to a given line that passes through a given point.

Learning Objectives
Cognitive: After reviewing single variable expressions and equations, students are able to solve single variable equations for the value of variable using appropriate notations and order of operations.

Cognitive: After reviewing the given graph, students will identify the variables represented on the graph, and write a short paragraph to describe the graph and the relationship between variables, using the key terms like quadrants, x-axis, y-axis, coordinates, variables, direct and indirect relationship on the graphic organizer.
Cognitive: After reviewing coordinate graphing system and guided practice, students graph linear equations and compute the x- and y-intercepts, using appropriate components of graphing system and slope-intercept equation.

After guided practice, students are able to verify that a point lies on a line, given an equation of the line and derive linear equations, using the point-slope formula.
After reviewing and understanding the concepts of parallel lines and perpendicular lines and how those slopes are related, students identify from a set of linear equations if the two lines are perpendicular or parallel, using the slope-intercept equation.

Student Activity
Work with a partner to answer questions on the board and complete the graphic organizer.

Work with a partner to interpret a given graph, complete the graphic organizer with a short paragraph to describe it.
Work in groups to practice graphing linear equations and compute the x- and y-intercepts on graph paper.
Work in groups to practice verifying that given points lie on a line, given the equations of the lines and derive linear equations on graphic organizer.
Work with a partner to identify parallel and perpendicular lines. Work independently on graphic organizer.
Diagnostic: Informal check with show of 1 finger for understanding and 0 for review. Call students in pairs to identify and explain components on the board.
Evaluation of graphic organizer.

Formative: Informal monitoring the discussions with partners.

Evaluation of graphic organizer.

Monitoring group discussions.

Monitoring practice on graph paper and evaluation of homework.
Monitor group discussions.
Evaluation of graphic organizer.
Evaluation of graphic organizer.

Closure: Students will work independently on a graphic organizer, which will be used for summative assessment of this part of the unit.
Beyond: Students will identify some quantities in the real world that have linear relationship with each other. They will share their findings with the class and explain which of the variables is dependent or independent, if the relationship is direct or indirect and what are the applications of this relationship.
Assessment Evaluation
1.     Strength: My assessment plan for the unit is using multiple types of assessments, varying from informal check with show of 1 finger for understanding and 0 for review, call students in pairs to identify and explain components on the board, group discussions, graphic organizers, graph sheets, homework and unit test.
2.     Weakness: one weakness in my assessment for the unit is that most of the graphic organizers include short direct problems that assess the students’ computational skills.
3.     Additional assessment: an additional assessment that I could include in my unit plan is an open ended or descriptive problem.
a.     When: Given on day 6, and addressed throughout the next week.
b.     Goal/Objective/Standards: to assess the students’ conceptual understanding.
c.      Purpose: To determine if students understand the material well enough to proceed with the next part of the unit (linear inequalities), which requires the understanding of linear functions and slope.
d.     Implementation method: pre-printed problem to hand out on day 6.
e.     Feedback: feedback will be by answering student questions about the confusions they have about the topics covered.
f.      Inform instruction: I will be able to note what concepts need additional review on day 7 and review them during the next week before moving on to the next topic.

Lesson -1
TITLE OF THE LESSON: Introduction to Graphing
Introductory lesson on the first day of the unit
Math/Science       8th Grade
     A. Enduring Understanding:
Students need to understand the basic components of graphing system. Their ability to understand the graphs and identify the variables and relationship between them helps the students to interpret the data and graphs they come across in their day-to-day lives. With this knowledge, they are better equipped with skills to derive useful information from graphs and make informed decisions in life.
     B. Essential Questions:
How are graphical concepts and language used in our day-to-day lives?
How can we use and interpret graphical data representations to solve real life problems?
     C. Reason for Instructional Strategies and Student Activities: Lesson will introduce the coordinate graphing system to the students. It will also incorporate all three major learning preferences to address different learning needs.
Grade 8 Standard 1:
Students understand that the slope (m) of a line is a constant rate of change, so that if the input or x-coordinate changes by an amount A, the output or y-coordinate changes by the amount m·A
Standard 5-EA (Listening and Speaking:  Participate in and initiate more extended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.
     A. Cognitive
After reviewing the basic components of graphs on the white board, the students will draw and label all the graph components using the key terms like quadrants, x-axis, y-axis, perpendicular, number line, origin and coordinates on the graphic organizer.

     B. Affective
After completing this activity, the students will be able to describe how a coordinate graphing system is arranged, and identify its parts using the correct mathematical terminology

     C. Language Development
After completing this lesson, the students will be able to identify correct mathematical terminology related to coordinate graphing system and use these terms in appropriate context.
     A. Diagnostic/Entry Level
I will ask the students specific questions about number line, horizontal and perpendicular lines. I will ask the students to raise their hands and show me with 1 finger if the understand what the terms are and a zero if they are not sure. I will review these if more than 4 students are not sure. I will be able to assess Daisy’s previous knowledge along with other students.
     B. Formative-Progress Monitoring
The students will participate in discussion with their partner. I will monitor the discussions to check that Daisy is participating by asking and answering questions to learn about the words/terms she doesn’t know. I will ask her question to make sure that she can restate the information.
     C. Summative
The students will draw and label different graph components and write their definitions on activity sheet.
1.)   Content/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Content of the assignment is aligned with Daisy’s and Ricky’s readiness. It includes simple terminology explained with visual and working with a partner.
2.)   Process/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
This is a small lesson including lot of visual aid, drawing activity and some writing. The instructions on the worksheet are simple and small and will be read aloud in the class to make the task simpler for Daisy.

3.)   Product/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or
A drawing of simple graph and labeling its components are tangible products, which are based on Daisy’s and Ricky’s readiness, interest and learning profile.

1.)     Content/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Content of the assignment is aligned with the readiness and interests of all Alex, Connor and Nathan.
It includes working with a partner and simple terminology explained with visual. Alex can choose to work alone or with his coach.
The discussion with partner, oral instructions and repeated explanation by students will cater to Connor’s audio learning style.
There is minimal writing in single sentences on the graphic organizer, which is manageable for Nathan.
2.)     Process/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
This is a small lesson including lot of visual aid, drawing activity and minimal writing. The instructions on the worksheet are simple and small. It is based on the readiness of all students.
3.)     Product/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
A drawing of simple graph and labeling its components are tangible products which are based on readiness and learning profiles of all students.

       A. Anticipatory Set/Into
I will ask the students to review/recall number line, horizontal and perpendicular lines. I will walk around the room while they think-pair-share for a quick check that all of them understand these terms. After 2 min. I will ask the students to raise their hands and show me with 1 finger if the understand what the terms are and a zero if they are not sure. I will review these if more than 4 students are not sure.   5 min                                  
       B. Instruction/Through
  I will explain the components of coordinate graphing system one at a time one at a time and show the definition on the projector simultaneously.  I will have the students take notes.   10 min.                       
       C. Guided Practice/Through
 I will project all components of graph on the board and call on a pair of students, one at a time to come on board – one of them will label the correct component and the other will explain what it is. I will guide them at any step they are struggling. 10 min                          
       D. Independent Practice/Through
  I will pass an activity sheet/Graphic organizer to the students and ask them to work on it independently. I will display all the definitions on the projector. I will walk around the room, monitoring the students’ work and check on Daisy and Connor if they need extra help with instructions or content.  10 min                      
       E. Closure
I will ask the students to finish their Graphic organizer as homework. 2 min                              
       F. Beyond
I will show a couple of graphs from newspaper or article and ask the students to relate them to the basic coordinate graphing system, identify all the components they learned today and interpret the graph using these terms. I will encourage them to interpret any graph they come across in their lives in these terms. 7 min.

A. Anticipatory Set/Into
The students will review number line, horizontal and perpendicular lines through think-pair-share. 5 min.       
       B. Instruction/Through
The students will look at the board and take notes on definitions in their own words.  10 min.         
       C. Guided Practice/Through
 The students will come to the white board and work in pairs to identify and label a component of graph and explain what it is.  10 min.
       D. Independent Practice/Through
 Each student will work quietly and independently on the graphic organizer/activity sheet to identify, label and define the components of graphing system taking help from the display of definitions on the board. 10 min                       
       E. Closure
 The students note the homework and wrap up their activity sheets. 2 min.                            
       F. Beyond
The students will familiarize with the basic coordinate graphing system and whenever they see a graph, they should be able to identify all the components they learned today and interpret the graph using these terms.  7 min.
Graphic Organizers, visual and vocabulary list used in this lesson are attached as separate files.

I have learned, through my experience with students, that it is very important and helpful to know the students, their backgrounds, interests, learning styles and needs. This information goes a long way in supporting the content, instructional strategies and assessments aligned with the different learning styles, interests and needs. This single strategy not only makes all aspects of the lesson more meaningful and effective but also makes the students feel included, engaged and motivated in learning process. Differentiating the lesson by including strategies like work with a partner, graphic organizer, visual aid and sharing on the board offers several benefits.
·       It caters to all the learning styles and needs of ELLs and Special Ed students by making the content accessible to them in different ways.
·       It draws all the other students into whole brain learning by – listening, saying, seeing and writing.
·       It allows the teacher to assess the students’ work and progress in different ways, both formally and informally, like, monitoring the discussions, checking for understanding by show of fingers and calling to show and explain on the board, and evaluating the graphic organizers.
·       It keeps the students engaged and motivated and hence, makes classroom management easier. It creates an inclusive and low-risk environment for the students.

Words to Learn

1.   The coordinate graphing system is formed by a pair of perpendicular number lines.

2.  The intersection point at zero of both number lines is called the Origin

3.  Each of the two number lines is called an axis

4.  The horizontal axis, the one that goes across from side to side, is called the X-axis.

5.  The vertical axis, the one that goes across from side to side, is called the Y-axis.

6.  The independent variable represents the input or cause.

7.  The dependent variable represents the output or effect.

8.  The direct relationship means that both the variables are either increasing or decreasing together.

9.  The indirect relationship means that one variable is increasing then the other is decreasing and vice versa.

Name ___________________________________________________         Date _________________________

Define the following terms in your own words.

1.     Origin
2.     X-axis
3.     Y-axis
4.     Coordinates
5.     Quadrants
On the graph provided, identify and label the following-
·       Origin
·       x-axis – number the axis
·       y-axis – number the axis
·       Quadrants I, II, III, and IV
·       coordinates (4,5),  (0,6),  (1,-5),  (-4,-7),  (6,-6)

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