Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lesson Plan on Math Vocabulary

The highlighted sections show the information about ELL, SDAIE strategies and Assessment at (i + 1) level.

1. TITLE OF THE LESSON: Introduction to Graphing
Math/Science       8th Grade
3A. STUDENT INFORMATION: English Language Learners
Daisy is the only student identified as English Language Learner at Intermediate cluster level.

        1.) Readiness Level: Daisy is ready for this activity. She may need repeated instruction and extra time writing.

        2.) Learning Profile: Visual, & Kinesthetic learning preferences, Daisy needs to see written directions and tends to miss the oral instructions.
        3.) Interest: Daisy works well in small groups for various activities in the class. She also likes fine arts and PE.

3B. STUDENT INFORMATION: Students w/ Special Needs
There are 6 Students with special needs – 
        1.) Readiness Level: All of these 6 students are at different levels but are ready for this activity. Tim, Sam and Jake are at the grade level in math and only need extra time for writing. Kyle and John are two grades below in math but are ready for introduction to graphs. Their academic coaches always stand by to help them.
        2.) Learning Profile: All except Connor are visual and kinesthetic preferences. Sometimes, Connor needs to be given and repeated instructions orally.

        3.) Interest: Most of them like to socialize and participate in group-activities. Only Connor likes to work alone or one on one with his teacher/academic coach.

     A. Enduring Understanding:
Students need to understand the basic components of graphing system. Their ability to understand the graphs and identify the variables and relationship between them helps the students to interpret the data and graphs they come across in their day-to-day lives. With this knowledge, they are better equipped with skills to derive useful information from graphs and make informed decisions in life.

     B. Essential Questions:
How are graphical concepts and language used in our day-to-day lives?
How can we use and interpret graphical data representations to solve real life problems?

     C. Reason for Instructional Strategies and Student Activities: Lesson will introduce the coordinate graphing system to the students. It will also incorporate all three major learning preferences to address different learning needs.

Grade 8 Standard 1:
Students understand that the slope (m) of a line is a constant rate of change, so that if the input or x-coordinate changes by an amount A, the output or y-coordinate changes by the amount m·A

Standard 5-EA (Listening and Speaking)

Participate in and initiate more extended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.
     A. Cognitive
After reviewing the basic components of graphs on the white board, the students will draw and label all the graph components using the key terms like quadrants, x-axis, y-axis, perpendicular, number line, origin and coordinates on the graphic organizer.

     B. Affective
After completing this activity, the students will have a basic understanding of how a coordinate graphing system is arranged, and be able to identify its parts using the correct mathematical terminology

     C. Language Development
After completing this lesson, the students will learn correct mathematical terminology related to coordinate graphing system and be able to identify and use these terms in appropriate context.

     A. Diagnostic/Entry Level
I will ask the students specific questions about number line, horizontal and perpendicular lines.

     B. Formative-Progress Monitoring
The students will participate in discussion with their partner. I will monitor the discussions to check that Daisy is participating by asking and answering questions to learn about the words/terms she doesn’t know. I will ask her question to make sure that she can restate the information.

     C. Summative
The students will draw and label different graph components and write their definitions on activity sheet.
1.)   Content/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Content of the assignment is aligned with Daisy’s readiness. It includes simple terminology explained with visual and working with a partner.
2.)   Process/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
This is a small lesson including lot of visual aid, drawing activity and some writing. The instructions on the worksheet are simple and small and will be read aloud in the class to make the task simpler for Daisy.

3.)   Product/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or
A drawing of simple graph and labeling its components are tangible products which are based on Daisy’s readiness, interest and learning profile.

1.)     Content/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Content of the assignment is aligned with the readiness and interests of all six students. It includes working with a partner and simple terminology explained with visual. Connor can choose to work alone or with his coach.

2.)     Process/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
This is a small lesson including lot of visual aid, drawing activity and some writing. The instructions on the worksheet are simple and small. It is based on the readiness of all students.

3.)     Product/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
A drawing of simple graph and labeling its components are tangible products which are based on readiness and learning profiles of all students.


       A. Anticipatory Set/Into
I will ask the students to review/recall number line, horizontal and perpendicular lines. I will walk around the room while they think-pair-share for a quick check that all of them understand these terms. After 2 min. I will ask the students to raise their hands and show me with 1 finger if the understand what the terms are and a zero if they are not sure. I will review these if more than 4 students are not sure.  
       B. Instruction/Through
  I will explain the components of coordinate graphing system one at a time one at a time and show the definition on the projector simultaneously.           
       C. Guided Practice/Through
 I will project all components of graph on the board and call on a pair of students, one at a time to come on board – one of them will label the correct component and the other will explain what it is. I will guide them at any step they are struggling.
       D. Independent Practice/Through
  I will walk around the room, monitoring the students’ work and check on Daisy and Connor if they need extra help with instructions or content.                      
       E. Closure
I will display all the definitions on the projector while the students finish their Graphic organizer.
       F. Beyond
I will show a couple of graphs from newspaper or article and ask the students to relate them to the basic coordinate graphing system, identify all the components they learned today and interpret the graph using these terms. I will encourage them to interpret any graph they come across in their lives in these terms.

A. Anticipatory Set/Into
The students will review number line, horizontal and perpendicular lines through think-pair-share.        
       B. Instruction/Through
The students will look at the board and take notes on definition sin their own words.           
       C. Guided Practice/Through
 The students will come to the white board and work in pair to identify and label a component of graph and explain what it is.  
       D. Independent Practice/Through
 Each student will work quietly and independently on the graphic organizer/activity sheet to identify, label and define the components of graphing system.      
       E. Closure
 The students will finish their activity sheets taking help from the display of definitions on the board.
       F. Beyond
The students will familiarize with the basic coordinate graphing system and whenever they see a graph, they should be able to identify all the components they learned today and interpret the graph using these terms.
Graphic Organizers and vocabulary list used in this lesson are attached as separate files.

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